

Base class of all Plugin Descriptor classes.

Any plugin that wants to add event observers to one of Matomo (formerly Piwik)'s hooks, or has special installation/uninstallation logic must implement this class. Plugins that can specify everything they need to in the plugin.json files, such as themes, don't need to implement this class.

Class implementations should be named after the plugin they are a part of (eg, class UserCountry extends Plugin).

Plugin Metadata

In addition to providing a place for plugins to install/uninstall themselves and add event observers, this class is also responsible for loading metadata found in the plugin.json file.

The plugin.json file must exist in the root directory of a plugin. It can contain the following information:

  • description: An internationalized string description of what the plugin does.
  • homepage: The URL to the plugin's website.
  • authors: A list of author arrays with keys for 'name', 'email' and 'homepage'
  • license: The license the code uses (eg, GPL, MIT, etc.).
  • version: The plugin version (eg, 1.0.1).
  • theme: true or false. If true, the plugin will be treated as a theme.


How to extend

use Piwik\Common;
use Piwik\Plugin;
use Piwik\Db;

class MyPlugin extends Plugin
    public function registerEvents()
        return array(
            'API.getReportMetadata' => 'getReportMetadata',
            'Another.event'         => array(
                                           'function' => 'myOtherPluginFunction',
                                           'after'    => true // executes this callback after others

    public function install()
        Db::exec("CREATE TABLE " . Common::prefixTable('mytable') . "...");

    public function uninstall()
        Db::exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . Common::prefixTable('mytable'));

    public function getReportMetadata(&$metadata)
        // ...

    public function myOtherPluginFunction()
        // ...


The class defines the following methods:




  • It accepts the following parameter(s):
    • $pluginName (string|bool) — A plugin name to force. If not supplied, it is set to the last part of the class name.
  • It throws one of the following exceptions:
    • Exception — If plugin metadata is defined in both the getInformation() method and the plugin.json file.



  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Returns plugin information, including:

  • 'description' => string // 1-2 sentence description of the plugin
  • 'author' => string // plugin author
  • 'author_homepage' => string // author homepage URL (or email "mailto:youremail@example.org")
  • 'homepage' => string // plugin homepage URL
  • 'license' => string // plugin license
  • 'version' => string // plugin version number; examples and 3rd party plugins must not use Version::VERSION; 3rd party plugins must increment the version number with each plugin release
  • 'theme' => bool // Whether this plugin is a theme (a theme is a plugin, but a plugin is not necessarily a theme)


  • It returns a array value.



  • It is a finalized method.
  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Return true here if you want your plugin's Vue module to be loaded on demand, when it is first referenced, rather than on page load. This can be used to improve initial page load time, especially if your plugin includes a lot of Vue code.

Note: doing this means that any other plugins that depend on yours will no longer be able to do a normal import ... from 'MyPlugin';, they will instead have to use the importPluginUmd() function in CoreHome which returns a Promise.


  • It returns a boolean value.


Since Matomo 2.15.0

Returns a list of events with associated event observers.

Derived classes should use this method to associate callbacks with events.


  • Returns: array — eg,

                  'API.getReportMetadata' => 'myPluginFunction',
                  'Another.event'         => array(
                                                 'function' => 'myOtherPluginFunction',
                                                 'after'    => true // execute after callbacks w/o ordering
                  'Yet.Another.event'     => array(
                                                 'function' => 'myOtherPluginFunction',
                                                 'before'   => true // execute before callbacks w/o ordering


This method is executed after a plugin is loaded and translations are registered.

Useful for initialization code that uses translated strings.


  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Defines whether the whole plugin requires a working internet connection If set to true, the plugin will be automatically unloaded if enable_internet_features is 0, even if the plugin is activated


  • It returns a bool value.


Installs the plugin. Derived classes should implement this class if the plugin needs to:

  • create tables
  • update existing tables
  • etc.


  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.
  • It throws one of the following exceptions:
    • Exception — if installation of fails for some reason.


Uninstalls the plugins. Derived classes should implement this method if the changes made in install() need to be undone during uninstallation.

In most cases, if you have an install() method, you should provide an uninstall() method.


  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.
  • It throws one of the following exceptions:
    • Exception — if uninstallation of fails for some reason.


Executed every time the plugin is enabled.


  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Executed every time the plugin is disabled.


  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Returns the plugin version number.


  • It is a finalized method.
  • It returns a string value.


Returns true if this plugin is a theme, false if otherwise.


  • It returns a bool value.


Returns the plugin's base class name without the namespace, e.g., "UserCountry" when the plugin class is "Piwik\Plugins\UserCountry\UserCountry".


  • It is a finalized method.
  • It returns a string value.


Tries to find a component such as a Menu or Tasks within this plugin.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $componentName (string) — The name of the component you want to look for. In case you request a component named 'Menu' it'll look for a file named 'Menu.php' within the root of the plugin folder that implements a class named Piwik\Plugin\$PluginName\Menu . If such a file exists but does not implement this class it'll silently ignored.
    • $expectedSubclass (string) — If not empty, a check will be performed whether a found file extends the given subclass. If the requested file exists but does not extend this class a warning will be shown to advice a developer to extend this certain class.
  • Returns: string|null — Null if the requested component does not exist or an instance of the found component.



  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $directoryWithinPlugin

    • $expectedSubclass

  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Detect whether there are any missing dependencies.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):
    • $piwikVersion (null) — Defaults to the current Matomo version
  • It returns a bool value.



  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $piwikVersion
  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.


Returns a string (translated) describing the missing requirements for this plugin and the given Matomo version


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $piwikVersion (string) —
  • Returns: string — "AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement requires PIWIK >=3.0.0"


Schedules re-archiving of this plugin's reports from when this plugin was last deactivated to now. If the last time core:archive was run is earlier than the plugin's last deactivation time, then we use that time instead.

Note: this only works for CLI archiving setups.

Note: the time frame is limited by the [General] rearchive_reports_in_past_last_n_months INI config value.


  • It does not return anything or a mixed result.
  • It throws one of the following exceptions:
    • Piwik\Exception\DI\DependencyException
    • Piwik\Exception\DI\NotFoundException


Extracts the plugin name from a backtrace array. Returns false if we can't find one.



Extracts the plugin name from a namespace name or a fully qualified class name. Returns false if we can't find one.


  • It accepts the following parameter(s):

    • $namespaceOrClassName (string) — The namespace or class string.
  • Returns: string|false



  • Returns: Date|null

  • It throws one of the following exceptions:



  • Returns: Date|null

  • It throws one of the following exceptions:


Get all changes for this plugin


  • Returns: array — Array of changes [{"title":"abc","description":"xyz","linkName":"def","link":"https://link","version":"1.2.3"}]